Everyone needs a Lee

An app-based mentoring program for queer youth and young adults

Our Idea

LEE is an app-based mentoring program focused on the needs of queer youth and young adults. 

The "Everyone needs a Lee" app - LEE-App for short – is designed to bring together queer teenagers and more experienced adults from the community or allies to accompany them on their journey. The mentors can help the young people with words and deeds and provide assistance with their biographical experience if the mentees need help in certain areas of life.

With the gender-neutral first name LEE we want to create awareness for sexual and gender diversity.

everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche
Photographer: Tobias Koch

Our Mission

Our mission is to help teens and young adults meet their personal challenges and develop their individual potential with one-to-one mentoring relationships through a secure support network.

everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche
app-based support
everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche
one-to-one mentoring
everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche
for LGBTIQ* youth
everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche
secure support network

Our Vision

Our vision is for queer youth and young adults to develop their full potential and live and express their sexual orientation and gender identity freely and independently.

Förderung & Preise

digital.engagiert (German) is a sponsorship initiative of Amazon and the Stifterverband. It supports civil society digitization projects of educational work. Lee successfully convinced their jury and now we are actively supported by our fantastic coach and other teams funded by this initiative.

Join Us

We are always looking for support!

Mentors and Mentees

Ohne euch geht gar nichts! – Nur mit eurer Unterstützung als Mentor*innen und euren persönlichen Erfahrungen können wir die Mission von LEE erfüllen: Ein App-basiertes Mentoringprogramm für queere Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene aufzubauen, damit diese ihre persönlichen Herausforderungen meistern und ihr individuelles Potenzial entfalten können. Als Mentee erhältst du Unterstützung von unseren geschulten Mentor*innen.

Do you want to become a mentor or mentee? Great! Please use the button below to access our contact form and let us know that you are interested. We will write you as soon as the app is available.


In order to make the LEE app participative, we greatly value different opinions and perspectives. From the beginning, we have aimed to include expert opinions and feedback on LGBTIQ* related topics in the development of our app. LEE values transparency, openness, and opportunities to actively shape the mentoring program. We welcome opinions and feedback in the form of interviews, suggestions, or general comments.

Do you want to share your expertise with us and our community? Wonderful! Please use the button below to access our contact form.

Join the LEE-Team

Do you want to become part of our team? Please use the button below to access our contact form and write us a short message with the most important information about yourself. We look forward to hearing from you, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

 We are currently looking for:

  • UX/UI Designers
  • Web/App Developers
  • Product Managers

About us

We are the team behind LEE.

Founder & Executive
Project Leader



Founder & Executive
Project Management



Founder & Executive
Project Coordination



Website, Content & Social Media

everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche



everyone needs a LEE_Mentoring-App für queere Jugendliche

UX/UI Designer? Web/App Developer? Product Manager?

Social Media

Not enough? Follow us!

Write us!

You have comments, suggestions or you want to participate? Bring it on!

    I want to become a mentor or menteeI want to support you as an expert (e.g. with an interview)I want to be part of the team!

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